The PhD SOP Formula

A step-by-step guide to writing SOPs that generate interviews, fill you with confidence, and convince professors and PIs that you can design and lead research projects that make the world better.


“What are search committees really looking for?”

You've spent hours staring at a blinking cursor, trying to write a Statement of Purpose that will land you in your dream school’s "YES" pile – but now you’re losing confidence.



  • Deadlines are looming, but you’re not sure where to start, so you keep procrastinating.

  • You’ve picked through EVERY article on Google about how to write an SOP, but now you’re more confused than ever.

  • You still have no idea how to show “fit” – nor why everyone says it’s so important.

  • You drafted your SOP, then went online to compare it to “essays that worked!”  – and now you’re realizing your essay will most certainly NOT work.

…don’t worry – you’re in the right place.

Honestly, there’s probably just this one thing standing between you and an inbox full of interview invites.

Yep, you guessed it – the SOP.

There’s a ton of pressure riding on this essay. But that doesn’t mean you need to stay on the typical applicant’s agonizing path:


The more time ticks away toward your deadline, the less you feel like a high-impact researcher, and the more you start to question whether or not you’re even cut out for grad school!

Unless… you had an SOP strategy that’s easy-to-follow, that immediately makes you feel proud of your work, and that hundreds of other students have used to earn MULTIPLE PhD admissions.

On average, you're competing with 50 other potential grad students for every one available spot.


So, how can you make sure you're the one?


The PhD SOP Formula

The only comprehensive, step-by-step roadmap for writing SOPs that PhD programs LOVE to read. It's time to turn your grad school applications into ‘interview magnets'.


Inside the Formula

While everyone else is putting admissions committees to sleep with boring autobiographical essays, you’ll be proving that you have what it takes to design and lead research like a real “Principal Investigator” in the making.

Here's what we'll tackle together...


State Your Purpose

What Research Problems Do You Want to Solve?

Set the foundation for an A+ SOP. In this module, we'll engineer your success by getting a few uber-important decisions out of the way, giving you (and your dream school) TOTAL clarity about your research agenda – and why it’s so important.


  • Avoid the #1 MOST COMMON MISTAKE that signals you don’t have the potential to lead research
  • Show why your research is important for society, and for other scholars, AND for your dream school too
  • Articulate your "why" (when universities ask, "What will you contribute?" this is what they want to see)
  • Craft a brilliant “Sentence of Purpose" that immediately tells PIs you’re someone to pay attention to

Why This School

Is the Perfect Place to Investigate Your Research Questions

The most important part of your SOP! In this module, we’ll make sure you’re in the top 30% of “viable candidates” by connecting your research questions to your Target Faculty in a deeply meaningful way.



  • What “fit” really means, and why it takes more than 1-2 sentences carelessly inserted at the end of an essay
  • Discover why this is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT part of your SOP
  • Learn how to investigate Target Faculty and boost your chances of admission long before you apply
  • Save weeks of effort by easily recycling these paragraphs for all your applications

Why You're Qualified

To Investigate Your Specific Research Problems

Selling yourself is easy. It’s not about fancy credentials, GPA, or # of publications. It’s about using simple logic to show that you’re the right person to investigate these research problems you all care about so much.


  • Establish hard, verifiable proof that you know how to execute your research agenda (and adapt when things go wrong)
  • Quickly turn this proof into a sophisticated prose argument
  • Prove to yourself that no matter what happened in the past, you have the specific skillset necessary to succeed as a doctoral student
  • Transform your background into a sales pitch – it’s easier than you think!

Telling Your Story

Why Do You Care About THESE Research Problems?

Everybody has a story. Most people just tell the wrong one! Stand out as wildly unique in the applicant pool by using our foolproof 1-2-3 template to explain how you grew fascinated with your research problems.


  • The most powerful technique I’ve ever found for making an applicant immediately interesting to grad admissions readers
  • Follow specific templates to make the writing easy, even if you’ve never considered yourself a writer or “creative” at all
  • Avoid the Top 3 “First Paragraph” problems that turn a smart SOP into a gimmicky "kiss of death"
  • Use “Catalyst Moment Tests” to ensure that your essay is just as intriguing as those from the best WriteIvy alumni at MIT, Stanford, and more

Frame Narrative Conclusions

Your "Purpose" Returns

Wrap up your SOP with power and harmony.


  • Craft a bold "Career Goals Statement" to show the reader exactly where your research journey will take you
  • Master the four elements of a powerful conclusion
  • Follow the examples of 12 high-achieving students with sample essays and templates
  • Make your reader feel GLAD they discovered you in the applicant pile

Putting It All Together

Structure is Magic

Once you have all the necessary ingredients for a stellar SOP, it's time to put them together so it flows beautifully and logically. After this, there will be nothing left to do besides hit 'submit!'


  • Double-check your work with a point-by-point outline for EVERY word of your SOP
  • Learn to craft smart transitions so your essay always feels natural – NEVER clunky
  • Borrow 13 tried-and-true techniques to meet any limit (500 words? No problem!)
  • How to guarantee you get REALLY HELPFUL feedback from your mentors, professors, and LOR writers

PLUS, snag these bonuses to help guarantee your SOP is the best it can be...


SOP Review from Jordan

($300 VALUE)

Want to be certain your final draft is perfect? Let me take a look! I’ll tell you if you’ve made any glaring mistakes and highlight any improvements you can make.

Trust me, I want your
applications to be brilliant, and I’ll help you get there. This service is only available to online course students!


The WriteIvy Sample SOP Library

($99 VALUE)

See exactly how and what students wrote to earn admission to schools like Stanford, Harvard, Oxford, and more. You'll get access to 12 Sample Essays fully diagrammed and annotated to show you, step-by-step, how they implemented the SOP Formula and exactly how you can use the same design. The sample library includes essays from all kinds of academic fields, many of which earned admission to as many as 7 PhD programs!


Lifetime Access to a Member’s Only Subreddit for PhD SOP Formula Students

($120 VALUE)

Bust through mental blocks in minutes with direct support from Jordan and your peers. Get permanent access to AMAs with Jordan to get all your questions answered, and a supportive community of fellow applicants and alumni who've mastered the SOP Formula.

What Our Brilliant Alumni Have to Say...

"I felt confident in my statement and was able to get interviews at almost every program I applied to. You may hear this enough already, but I really appreciate the time and resources you provide to graduate school-hopefuls like me."

- Ben, Human Computer Interaction / Mech Engineering

"While my essays are by no means among the best featured on your website, they gained acceptance + maximum possible funding to my top three choices! I'll be an Ivy Leaguer in the fall! Thank you so much for your selfless dedication, I would not have made it without your help!"

- Adri, Sociology

"I’m happy to say this year that out of my 7 applications, I received 5 interviews and 5 offers, including one to my top choice with full fellowship funding (which is INCREDIBLY selective even as far as PhD programs go)!!"

- Lia, Public Health

"I was very fortunate to receive both the NDSEG and NSF GRFP fellowships so it seems that your SOP strategies are also effective for those applications!  Thank you again so much for your help. This application cycle was successful beyond my wildest expectations!"

- Rick, Electrical Engineering

When you enroll today, here’s what you’ll get:

  • All six modules of The PhD SOP Formula [$497 value]
  • Members-only private subreddit [$120 value]
  • Sample SOP Library [$99 value]
  • Free SOP Review from Jordan [$300 value]
That’s a total value of $1,016!

 Course enrollment is opening soon...

Sign up for the waitlist so you can be the first to know when The PhD SOP Formula is open for enrollment!


WriteIvy students have been accepted into graduate programs at:

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Multiple CS admits at MIT and Carnegie Mellon

One Mechanical Engineer admitted to 7 top-12 programs

One alumna went from 0 to 5 PhD admits in a single year (with no new research)

10+ Stanford admits (across all fields) in 2023


Add yourself to the list of WriteIvy’s thousands of success stories.


Meet Your Instructor

Hi, I’m Jordan, your SOP coach. After reading and editing thousands of admissions essays, I’m sharing the universal lessons of essay writing that have helped countless students land their dream schools and transform their lives.

I’ve celebrated SO MANY TIMES with students who never imagined they could write an SOP that made them so proud, let alone earn admission to their #1 choice PhD programs.

That’s what I want to share with you.

If you’re a PhD applicant of any kind, you owe it to yourself to take a risk-free dive and see how your applications transform when you stop Googling, stop guessing, and instead, follow a logical writing model that’s worked a thousand times at virtually every elite university you can think of.

The PhD SOP Formula is perfect for you if…


  • You're dreaming of a career in academia, and you know the SOP is your ticket to the most competitive grad schools
  • You feel awkward when you write, you're not sure if you're on the right track, and you're looking for a way to stand out from your competition
  • You're spending way too much time trying to figure out what to write to convince search committees that you're the research apprentice they need
  • You’re tired of vague, frustrating advice about admissions essays, and you just want to write an SOP that’s sharp, intelligent, and conveys what schools want to see (in just the right way)
  • You’re motivated to invest the next two weeks in brainstorming, outlining, and writing a deeply meaningful SOP that can dramatically alter your chances of admission. 

If you’re a PhD applicant with ambitious goals and you want to give yourself the best possible chances of admission…

Yes, this course is for you!

"This course astounded me.

The lessons aren’t just instructions for writing an SOP, but totally made me rethink the whole application process. Let me just say this: I don’t think there is ANYONE who shouldn’t read these lessons before they apply to grad school, regardless of the programs they apply to."

– Wang Z., Economics


Questions your fellow grad applicants asked before they enrolled in The PhD SOP Formula

 Course enrollment is opening soon...

Sign up for the waitlist so you can be the first to know when The PhD SOP Formula is open for enrollment!